I'm also loving the tickler file for other reminders, too ... if dh asks me to mow the lawn the next day, I drop a note so I don't forget (because otherwise I definitely WILL forget LOL!) The small notepad is for this very thing. It's also great for prayer requests, like for instance, I found out earlier this week that my grandma was having surgery on Thursday ... I dropped a note in Thursday's folder to remind me to pray for her. Love it! And yesterday I came up with another idea, too ... I bought a new broom but am not sure if I'm going to like it, so I took off the cover and placed it in the folder for a week later ... I figure by then I'll know for sure if I like it or not, and if I don't like it, I can put the cover back on and return it. I'm looking forward to coming up with some other great ways to use my tickler file to keep me on track! I actually had 50 file folders so I have an extra 7 folders to play with ... still thinking about what I might want to use those 7 folders for. Any ideas?
How about you? Do you have a tickler file? If so, please share. And if not, put one together, give it a try and let me know how you like it. You can actually buy tickler files already put together and ready for your papers, but it's so much cheaper (and way more fun) to put one together yourself. If you're like me, you've already got everything you need LOL! Here are a few websites to get you started:
Oh, my! There's a lot out there about tickler files ... I could go on and on LOL! Have fun!