Thursday, November 29, 2012


Something I have been doing in recent months is starting to use coupons more ... anything to lower the grocery budget is a must!  Here's a chance to win a loaded coupon binder to get you started:

 Win 1 of 3 loaded coupon binders!

I'm hoping to win one!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's been over two years, but ...

Yes, it's been over two years since I posted on this blog ... what can I say?  Life happens ... homeschooling keeps me super-busy, and I haven't been creating art.  But I just had to stop in and let you all know about a $100 giveaway.  It's not art, but it's money you could buy art supplies with LOL!  Crossing my fingers that it's me, but maybe it'll be you ... you just never know!
a Rafflecopter giveawayGiveaway brought to you by MROStop Industrial Products. Visit the giveaway page here.
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