A couple of weeks ago, I borrowed a book from the library called
Sketching with Markers by Thomas C. Wang, and finally took some time today to look through it. It made me want to dig out some markers (Sharpies ... all I've got right now) and try some sketching, so that's good LOL! Not that my sketches were very good ....
First I tried to sketch the petunia plant that is hanging on a shepherd's hook on our front porch. It turned out okay, but the background looked so empty that I tried to sketch the windows behind it ... definitely too much going on there! Not sure how I could have done it differently so it looked more like a window and less like a big hole ... maybe markers aren't the best medium for this one ... any suggestions?
Then I tried to sketch the car ... EDM #60 ... I'm on a roll! I can see that the proportion is a bit off, but, hey, my daughters can tell it's a car so it can't be too bad. The car is white ... I tried to use gray for shading and it just makes it look dirty. Maybe a lighter shade of gray would've been better?
Finally, I moved on to something I thought might be a little easier ... the mailbox. Again, the proportion is a bit off, but as long as you can tell what it is, I'm happy.
Of course, my almost-8 yo daughter just had to try out my markers, so she sketched a tree that was across the street. She's definitely got a head start on me LOL!